We are honored to have you join us as a Think about Thinking™ (TaT) Coach. This role entails planning, organizing and presenting various types of TaT activities and workshops to individuals and/or groups.

However, the main role of a TaT Coach is to facilitate or rather, make the gatherings (sessions, workshops, interviews, etc.) easier (and enjoyable) for folks to gain information from and participate in.

There is 4 moduals of training for this certification; Sessions, Workshops, Interviews, and using The LOAD Method.

Far too often, people go through live surviving and spending time focusing on the needs of others that they forget about providing enough time and energy for their own self-care. Society needs each of us to stay emotionally strong; so please, as you peruse through TaT’s resources and find some pieces of golden wisdom to benefit your world!

TaT Coaches play an extremely important role in Think about Thinking™. Gathering positive practices, interacting and sharing information with others in a friendly atmosphere helps build essential aspects of support and community. Think about Thinking provides a needed preventative alternative to counseling.

Facilitating TaT Sessions are easy to delivery use on monitors for in-person meetings (Individual/Group) or simply applied through a screen share in Zoom (or the like) interface.




  1. train or instruct (a team or player

  2. teach (a subject or sport) as a coach

  3. prompt or urge (someone) with instructions.

Defined TaT Coach Responsibilities:

Planning, organizing and presents a designated range of activities and gatherings for individuals and groups.

On a side note:

Members are free to turn in Evaluations on Sessions, Positive Practices, Presentation and Facilitators (available on Calendar Page).

Think about Thinking™ retains the right at any time to remove membership of any individual including facilitators that are not upholding the high standards set for conducting TaT sessions.

Easy Steps to Think about Thinking™ Coach Certification

  1. Below you’ll find the downloadable Informational manual on TaT Facilitating.

  2. The Manual has multiple review areas within it. However, for simplicity's sake, each has an answer sheet in the back.

  3. Upon completion of the manual, please complete the Final Review and send to info@thinkaboutthinking.com with the subject line “FINISHED”.

  4. If you ever have questions, or concerns, please feel free to Contact Us at the same address; we are here to help. We may be able to arrange some extra practice and/or zoom training.

  5. When the final review is completed, we will send you a certificate.

  6. If we have any questions of you, we will reach out as well.




  1. make (an action or process) easy or easier

Facilitator Manual

The information for TaT Facilitator Certification provides basic understandings of our foundational concepts and defining the specific roles and qualities of a TaT Facilitator. The main purpose of this information is to better ensure high quality delivery of our information in an appropriate manner.

Review Sheets

Facilitator REVIEW

TaT Coach Training Information

Please note that all TaT Training materials are proprietary property and therefore, are not permitted to be printed without permission of McGrath Method, LLC. The information is to only be shared with TaT Facilitators and Mental Health Professionals that have paid for this exclusive TaT service.

Upon Completion of the final Review, send it to info@thinkaboutthinking.com with the subject line “FINISHED”.

Your TaT Facilitator Certification will be emailed to you and the representative of your collective will be notified as well.