Mental Health Professionals:


“Think about Thinking™ (TaT) found the gap in our Mental Health system and filled it beautifully!”

 Jeremy Grisham, LMHC, MHP, CCTP of Empowered Response Counseling Services

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“The Think about Thinking™ (TaT) lessons are unique in that they deliver evidence-based methods in a creative and artistic manner. The curriculum is transformative, but the delivery is foundational. It engages all senses and caters to neurodiverse populations. The illustrations, interactions and hands on approach makes the content engaging and inclusive of all learning styles. I am a mental health and substance abuse professional working for the Department of Juvenile Justice to improve the lives of youth. TaT is a powerful tool to aid me in achieving my goal!”

Kyla Allen-Grant, MA, Therapeutic

Manager at Rite of Passage in White Springs, Florida

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“This curriculum blends many evidence-based strategies with a consistent focus on recovery that makes sense. The “mindfulness” content mixed in is very effective! Lighting a candle prior to sessions as a grounding technique is brilliant!”

Kevin Christopher, MS, LASAC, Therapist

Owner of Sonoran Life Coaching and Counseling

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“It's a valid therapeutic model. As a professional counselor I endorse TaT as a much-needed tool presently, and into the future, preventing negative emotional states of mind from overshadowing hope. It’s evidence-based tools are effective, easily understood and an online delivery method allows easy access to a wide range of people, professionals and schedules. Not only has TaT been helpful with many of my clients but I also enjoy implementing some of the tools for my own personal benefit. We can all benefit from what TaT has to offer.”

K. Starcher, MA, LAC 


“TaT is a much-needed resource to help develop mindfulness and skills to cope with adversity. I have had the privilege of knowing LaVerne when this was just a dream of hers. I know the depth of love and grief that created the foundation this work is built on. It is inspiring to know that LaVerne has taken her own grief and poured herself into creating a resource to help others.”

Ryan Bradley, LMHC


Some Counselor Clients Comments:

“This was very helpful. I am going to try these to some of my daily issues. I really appreciate you sharing this with us today.” 

“It was a fun session. Very interesting and it’s helping me. I will use this in my daily routine and with my husband especially. I am very grateful for you and this information.”  

[Responding to the TaT CENTER videos]- “I like it. It explains what the poem means so you don’t have to figure it out yourself. I don’t think I would get as much out of it without the explanation. Each part of it makes sense.


Many Other Wonderful Folks:


“Mental Health is the number 1 issue we face, not only in Washington state but in the nation. As a result of the pandemic, we are poised to see a tsunami of suicides in our agriculture community and particularly with our young people. The Thinking about Thinking (TaT) program is coming on at exactly the right time to offer support and solutions to this crisis. TaT has my full and sincere support!!!”

Honorable State Representative, Tom Dent

State of Washington 13th district


Kitty Toevs, Energy Healer



“I so enjoyed the meetings I attended. I truly appreciate TaT and what you are doing. The method is meaningful and important. I would absolutely refer someone to TaT. Your facilitation skills are excellent. The pace of the activities and the prepared slides are great. It’s a gift to participate.”

Professor Mindy Breen,

Engineering department at Eastern Washington University

“I really liked it. It was nice being able to share the exercises with others. It was good to get to experience other people’s perspectives on things. I will join a session again.”

Matthew McGrath, U.S. Army


“I really enjoyed it! I’m glad I decided to join. The life of a realtor is nuts. Idk how we can experience so many emotions in one day. Sometimes, I feel like it is not even the same day.”

Ruth Lopez, Realtor in Washington State


“I like it a lot. I had showings last week or I would’ve been there then too! …Not everyone gets it. We are all linked, one energy, one world. It’s so scary where we are!”

Lauren Pike, Realtor in Washington State


Summer Tromble, Personal Housekeeper and Assistant



“When I first learned about the Think about Thinking (TaT) project, I was intrigued and immediately interested. Having grown up with a mentally unbalanced mother, an alcoholic father, many friend and other family members who struggled with mental wellness, I understood firsthand that the need for TaT is REAL. Taking the time to listen, not to my stories, but to the ways in which I handle my L.O.A.D.ed emotions and of itself causes me to become conscious of that present with the effectiveness of my thinking which is the very foundation of TaT.

Not only do I benefit from that interaction in the sessions, I also gain a new set of HEALTHY Tools to try and to share with others that may need healthier ways to handle difficult emotions that arise in their lives. Realizing that our inner worlds are just as vital, if not more important that our outer ones for happiness and success in life (and NEVER reaching the state of despair), it’s been wonderful having a safe, supportive place to gain knowledge and tools as I navigate my inner worlds.

I’m very grateful for this amazing program LaVerne has developed. It’s helping to change our “worlds” for the better!”

Kim Driggers, Realtor in Washington State